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Ocan Caribisch DiscoverEU EU Europa

Oproep: Caribisch-Nederlandse jongeren in NL geef je op voor DiscoverEU travel experience, stel je open en ontdek Europa in 2022 -2023 , deadline 26 okt. 2021

15 oktober 2021

Met veel enthousiasme brengt Stichting Ocan onderstaand initiatief van de Europese Unie (EU) onder de aandacht. Omdat wij de Nederlandse nationaliteit bezitten, zijn wij ook EU-burgers.  Dit biedt veel mogelijkheden en kansen. Veel waarvan wij niet altijd bij stilstaan en benutten. Als Ocan willen wij dat onze jongeren hun blik op de wereld vergroten. Overweeg eens het DiscoverEU programma en geef je op om Europa te ontdekken! Let op de deadline - dit is al op dinsdag 26 oktober 2021  - en houd ook de Facebookpagina van DiscoverEU in de gaten voor extra informatie en updates. Ben je zelf inmiddels ouder dan 20 jaar? Gun deze  gouden kans aan een kennis, vriend of familielid!

Are you 18 - 20 years old and a citizen of the European Union? Then get ready to explore EUROPE!! You only have two weeks to apply!!!

DiscoverEU is an initiative of the European Union that gives you the possibility to discover Europe through learning experiences. You will get the chance to discover Europe’s stunning landscapes, its variety of cities and towns and connect with people from all over the continent. Furthermore, DiscoverEU enables you, as a young person, to develop life skills of value to your future, such as independence, confidence, and openness to other cultures. 

You can apply during the two application rounds which take place each year. The next round is onTuesday 12 October 2021 at 12:00 (CEST) and Tuesday 26 October 2021 at 12:00 (CEST).

To be eligible, you need to:

  • Have been born between 1 July 2001 (included) and 31 December 2003 (included);
  • Have the nationality of one of the Member States of the European Union at the time of the award decision;
  • Complete the correct ID or passport number on the online application form.

Then you will need to participate in a quiz (unless you apply as a group member).

If you are selected, you can travel for a period of minimum 1 day and up to 30 days between 1 March 2022 and 28 February 2023.

Note that if you have a disability or a health problem that makes your trip challenging, you will receive assistance and support to help you take part in DiscoverEU.

To apply for DiscoverEU visit:

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